Written by: Helio Loureiro
Category: Blog
Hits: 1659

Se você tentou usar o pip, o gerenciador de módulos do python, nos últimos tempos então deve ter dado de cara com o seguinte erro:

/tmp > pip search conda
ERROR: Exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pip/_internal/cli/base_command.py", line 224, in _main
    status = self.run(options, args)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pip/_internal/commands/search.py", line 62, in run
    pypi_hits = self.search(query, options)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pip/_internal/commands/search.py", line 82, in search
    hits = pypi.search({'name': query, 'summary': query}, 'or')
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/xmlrpc/client.py", line 1112, in __call__
    return self.__send(self.__name, args)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/xmlrpc/client.py", line 1452, in __request
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pip/_internal/network/xmlrpc.py", line 46, in request
    return self.parse_response(response.raw)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/xmlrpc/client.py", line 1342, in parse_response
    return u.close()
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/xmlrpc/client.py", line 656, in close
    raise Fault(**self._stack[0])
xmlrpc.client.Fault: <Fault -32500: "RuntimeError: PyPI's XMLRPC API has been temporarily disabled due to unmanageable load and will be deprecated in the near future. See https://status.python.org/ for more information.">

Olhando no link apontado pelo erro, temos uma bela mensagem de erro.

As mensagens no site são as seguintes:

Update - The XMLRPC Search endpoint remains disabled due to ongoing request volume. As of this update, there has been no reduction in inbound traffic to the endpoint from abusive IPs and we are unable to re-enable the endpoint, as it would immediately cause PyPI service to degrade again.
Jan 12, 16:04 UTC
Update - We are continuing to monitor for any further issues.
Dec 28, 13:51 UTC
Update - The XMLRPC Search endpoint remains disabled due to ongoing request volume. As of this update, there has been no reduction in inbound traffic to the endpoint from abusive IPs and we are unable to re-enable the endpoint, as it would immediately cause PyPI service to degrade again.
Dec 28, 13:50 UTC
Update - The XMLRPC Search endpoint is still disabled due to ongoing request volume. As of this update, there has been no reduction in inbound traffic to the endpoint from abusive IPs and we are unable to re-enable the endpoint, as it would immediately cause PyPI service to degrade again. We are working with the abuse contact at the owner of the IPs and trying to make contact with the maintainers of whatever tool is flooding us via other channels.
Dec 23, 14:54 UTC
Update - The XMLRPC Search endpoint is still disabled due to ongoing request volume. As of this update, there has been no reduction in inbound traffic to the endpoint from abusive IPs and we are unable to re-enable the endpoint, as it would immediately cause PyPI service to degrade again. We are working with the abuse contact at the owner of the IPs and trying to make contact with the maintainers of whatever tool is flooding us via other channels.
Dec 15, 20:59 UTC
Monitoring - With the temporary disabling of XMLRPC we are hoping that the mass consumer that is causing us trouble will make contact. Due to the huge swath of IPs we were unable to make a more targeted block without risking more severe disruption, and were not able to receive a response from their abuse contact or direct outreach in an actionable time frame.
Dec 14, 17:46 UTC
Update - Due to the overwhelming surges of inbound XMLRPC search requests (and growing) we will be temporarily disabling the XMLRPC search endpoint until further notice.
Dec 14, 17:30 UTC
Identified - We've identified that the issue is with excess volume to our XLMRPC search endpoint that powers `pip search` among other tools. We are working to try to identify patterns and prohibit abusive clients to retain service health.
Dec 14, 15:09 UTC
Investigating - PyPI's search backends are experiencing an outage causing the backends to timeout and fail, leading to degradation of service for the web app. Uploads and installs are currently unaffected but logged in actions and search via the web app and API access via XMLRPC are currently experiencing partial outages.
Dec 14, 09:41 UTC

Traduzindo em miúdos: o site não está aguentando o tráfego.  Simples assim.

Não vou entrar no mérito de como o site foi feito, se com flash, django, ou o que quer que seja que esse não é o ponto.  O ponto é que fizeram uma péssima arquitetura.  Um único ponto de controle que não sustenta o tráfego.

Quantos anos existe o Debian  Mais de 25 já. O Debian criou uma solução pra isso já faz mais de  uma década: repositórios com mirrors e pacotes assinados.  Ao rodar o comando apt ou apt-get, uma listagem dos arquivos disponíveis é verificada.  Se a informação do arquivo for a mesma do arquivo local, não é baixado.   Isso diminui em muito a carga em cima dos servidores.

Já os pacotes pip usam um formato xml que provavelmente é baixado toda vez.  Não só isso: não existe um pip stable, unstable e testing.  A cada nova pequena versão do pacote, um novo arquivo é gerado.   Isso torna cache dessa list impossível de ser mantido por qualquer mirror.  E é o mesmo problema que se encontra em npm, compose, etc.

O contraponto de ter esse arquivo sempre atualizado é ter as versões mais recentes dos pacotes, módulos ou classes que se esteja usando.  Mas o custo é alto em termos de capacidade de rede pra aguentar esse tráfego.  O resultado é esse que vemos com o pip.

Terá solução?  Acredito que sim.  Mas sem re-pensar na arquitetura do pip, como receber módulos novos e atualizações, vai ser apenas como enxugar gelo.